Seventh Street Challenge - Lincoln's Commute


Lincoln used his daily commute through the heart of Civil War Washington as an opportunity to reflect on the challenges of his presidency and to learn from those he encountered along the way. In the Seventh Street Challenge, students trace Lincoln’s route from the White House, up the 7th Street Turnpike, and home to the Cottage – participating in scavenger-hunt-style challenges to find thematic objects within their own homes as they go – and build their own capacity for meaningful daily problem-solving.

Offered At

President Lincoln's Cottage

President Lincoln’s Cottage is a home for brave ideas. For over a quarter of his Presidency, Abraham Lincoln lived on an uplifting hilltop in Northwest Washington, D.C., while making some of his most critical decisions. While in residence at the Cottage, Lincoln visited with wounded soldiers, spent time with self-emancipated men, women and children, and developed the Emancipation Proclamation. The human cost of the Civil War surrounded him, undoubtedly impacted his thinking, and strengthened his resolve to challenge the status quo. Through innovative tours, exhibits, and programs, President Lincoln’s Cottage uses Lincoln’s example to inspire visitors to take their own path to greatness, and preserve this place as an authentic, tangible connection to the past and a beacon of hope for all who take up Lincoln’s unfinished work



History, Civil War, Slavery, Geography, My Community, Current Events


30 students, 1 chap. per 15 stu.


45 min.


Virtual Field Trip


3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Price Options

$65.00 per Group for Public School

$65.00 per Group for Private School

$0.00 per Group for Title I School

$0.00 per Group for City School