Vermont State House Tour ONLY


Walk through the State House and learn about the building’s history and functions. This history and civics focused tour includes a comprehensive overview of the State’s legislative process of writing and passing laws and allows students to engage with their representatives and to see their government in action. School tours focus on the idea of citizenship-- What does it mean to be a fully engaged and responsible citizen? How does voting and participating in the political process produce a responsive government?

Offered At

Montpelier Capitol Complex

Visit the Montpelier Capitol Complex to learn more about Vermont’s State History and Civics. Visit the award-winning permanent exhibit Freedom and Unity at the Vermont History Museum. The Vermont History Museum is located on the first floor of the Pavilion Building at 109 State Street, Montpelier, VT. Explore an Abenaki wigwam, send a telegraph message, and immerse yourself in a World War-II era living room. Special exhibits in the National Life Gallery, Calder Gallery and Local History Gallery tell more Vermont stories.
Learn about civics in action with a visit to the Vermont State House. The Vermont State House is one of nation’s oldest and best-preserved capitol buildings. Visitors can even see the Vermont legislature when it is in session or schedule a meeting with state representatives.



History, Social Studies, Government & Civics, Social Justice


30 students, Min 2 chap.


45 min.


Field Trip


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Adult, Postsecondary

Price Options