What do Birds Need?


What do birds need to survive? How do they use their body parts to get the things they need? Explore your school yard with our teacher naturalist to see if it's a good place for birds.

Offered At

CT Audubon Society Greater Hartford Area

Welcome to the Connecticut Audubon Society of the Greater Hartford Area. We are a "virtual center", centrally located along the Connecticut River and can offer programs in Hartford and many surrounding locations. Our flexible educators can offer programs that are either virtual or in person, meeting you at your school, library, or a nearby park or conservation property. We take full advantage of our unique location in central Connecticut, working to promote awareness of the Connecticut River ecosystem and the birds and habitats it supports, and to foster conservation through education and related activities.

Connecticut Audubon Society’s "Science in Nature" programs consist of hands-on, STEM-based activities that relate to earth and life sciences, ecology, conservation and civic engagement offering K-12 students and their teachers the opportunity to bring STEM to life.
Experiential learning in nature is exciting and makes it easier for students to understand science concepts that may be difficult to grasp in the classroom. Taking advantage of your local outdoor spaces, your students will examine various real-world phenomena using math and literacy skills and science technologies while also having fun!

Each program is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as well as Common Core math and literacy standards and are an invaluable resource for building student and teacher learning. Our programs provide a wealth of opportunities to enhance critical thinking skills as students are encouraged to
• use and design models
• use their data to generate evidence-based explanations of phenomena, and
• creatively problem solve real world issues.

We also offer exciting and educational community programs for children and adults. Please see descriptions below for more information.



Science, Animals


20 students, 1 chap. per 10 stu.


50 min.


School Based Program


1, K, Preschool

Price Options

$175.00 per Group for School Group